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Monday 20 May 2013

7 tips to speed up internet at home

The internet in our house always creates a dilemma if you paid or not much compared to what we guarantee and what actually get. There are many factors that affect the speed of internet and although many are directly caused by the same company infrastructure we hire to give us the service. The fact is that there are many ways if not more speed than if we pay more to reach than we have commonly.

In this post we will see some tips to accelerate the speed of our internet at home.Most are just tips because you need more than that to speed up the Internet, but also come an occasional technical detail to ensure we get a few kilobytes no more and continue to enjoy this wonderful blog loads slow.

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Number of connected devices

Although not completely proportional the internet bandwidth is distributed so that all computers in the house can connect, however it is not true that everyone receives the same because the more devices you have the hired bandwidth tends to be distributed among all, so having a cell phone, tablet or other devices that do not use at the time will in the end connected to your computer the internet goes much slower. The recommendation is to always off or devices if the Wi-Fi turned off to ensure that only your current computer consumes the internet.

Use antivirus

Much malware takes advantage of the bandwidth to bother the existence so it’s good to have updated antivirus and run a few times a week if you feel your internet suddenly goes very slow. The overall goal of malware is annoy the user and one of his techniques is to eat your internet, and although we’re apparently not using still consuming bandwidth. Which makes both go very slow?

Never take away the password to the internet

Take away the password is like your internet audience. Although most people do not remove it if it comes to pass that a party or gathering maybe turn it off so you do not have to go asking the key but then again no longer restore or conversely. The restored but your neighbors who went to the party are left. This makes intruders are taking advantage of your internet and if you suddenly notice a drop in speed may be because these intruders are wasting your bandwidth.

Here the recommendation is to change passwords internet as always and give them to all who come to our house. You can create guest networks but is much more technical and not go into details. Just know that you have to avoid sharing the password for our Internet.

Also Read  10 Tips to make money with your website

Manage what you download

One reason that many times the internet is going slow because we usually download things or many things or too heavy. Many times we are downloading video especially, and sailed on the internet but the speed is lower, and that’s why, because he is giving more priority to the file download web pages so that bandwidth is Starts for the video. Another example is the online music and radio or services like spottily are constantly downloading content. Then they are assigned a higher priority so that also consume and centralize the internet speed.

The place of your modem

The Wi-Fi works through electromagnetic waves that we see and have a certain scope. So the farther you signal your modem will come with less intensity. One aspect that recommends a lot to ensure more speed is to be as close as possible to the modem. Put it in a central location where most teams can connect without problems and the same structure must have walls but not so thick that waves tend to stay and not to transfer the material.


The DNS is the protocol that allows you to translate the web sites name to an IP address that the computer knows and tracks to know where the site you want to upload. The administering this is a server and if you have the address you want to see have to resort to another to see if you have it and so on until he finds and saves for the next time and not have to do the same search. The downside of these is that it is a slow process. This can make if you visit many different sites daily notes that page loads very slow and may be just the DNS problem not of your internet connection.

The suggestion is to use others like Google DNS: obviously guarantees us more speed in translating web sites is reflected in the websites load faster.

Maybe you need more bandwidth

We often think that the fault lies with the ISP when actually 2-3 years to improve your bandwidth use: more downloads, more time using it constantly, radio, online music, online your console, etc. etc., which could be taken to suggest that perhaps all is well but you need a new internet contract guarantees you more bandwidth to meet your needs and that you want to squeeze more bit by bit the internet that give you if your lifestyle does not support your current bandwidth the only advice is to hire more bandwidth.

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