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Friday, 5 April 2013

How to protect your ID when you share Dropbox public links

How to protect your ID when you share Dropbox public links [ ] If you share files via Dropbox by using the ” Link Target “, you’ve probably noticed that there is your user ID in the URL: Not cool because doing such a small Google search with this ID, you can find other files. It is also possible to guess other files in your public directory … For example, if you are a musician and you share a song: Can easily retrieve other typing track2.mp3, track3.mp3, etc … track4.mp3. To avoid this, you can make a classic out of the sharing folder “Public”, but in this case, the file is not linké directly, but via an intermediate page, which may not suit everyone. Finally Another option is to go through a proxy which will hide the real URL of your shared file. Dropproxy generate from your original link, another link containing no data to draw you or retrieve other files. Practice! Did you like this article? Then share it with your friends.

How to protect your ID when you share Dropbox public links

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