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Friday, 5 April 2013

Protect yourself with Avast 8

Protect yourself with Avast 8

The new Avast has arrived! Version 8 now available for download brings a lot of new beginning with a renewed and clear user interface.

Download the new version
To install this version, open your browser to the page and choose one of the available versions: Free Antivirus or three paid versions. The Pro version adds a protective function of online shopping. Internet Security also offers the protection of personal data and antispam. Finally, the Premier Edition provides automatic updating of programs and allows you to take remote control.
Install in
Wait until the download. If your PC has a previous version of avast antivirus or another, you must remove this software and restart your computer before the Avast 8 installation. Check the option Custom installation to define a security card or Standard Installation to have all the modules. The wizard then offers to install the Google Chrome browser on your computer or integrate the Google search bar in Internet Explorer. Uncheck this option and complete the installation
Display the Home screen
The interface of Avast 8 evolves smoothly. If you used a previous version of the utility, you quickly find your marks. The home screen consists of large icons that provide access to major software modules and different dashboards. The top of the window has a series of tabs and links, and a button Save  which allows you to register on the site of Avast, a necessary requirement to extend the period of use of the free version beyond 30 days. The first icon on the home screen informs you about the status of your computer. An emoticon on a green background indicates that the PC is protected modules and active surveillance.
Check protection
Click the Security pane click Summary to see the guards enjoyed your computer. Verify that all modules are enabled (a green line appears under their icon).
Run a scan of the computer
Also since the screen Security, click the title Antivirus. And you deploy the list of Avast agents. These are modules that look in real time or on demand the presence of infected files or messages, monitor the data you exchange on P2P networks, the web or chat services. To verify that your PC does not include viruses, wait Avast has completed the update of the virus signature database. Then select the type of analysis (start with a thorough Scan or Scan removable media to test a USB key). Click Start on the option chosen.

 Watch for suspicious behavior
Avast uses a signature database to detect viruses. It also monitors the system looking for events that may be the result of malware. In Section Antivirus component of Security, click the link Agent Suspicious Actions. This module monitors your computer constantly. It runs in the background without slowing you down, and tracks a number of suspicious behaviors. This “intelligent” agent alerts you when it detects a potential threat. Click Settings to adjust the sensitivity if the alerts from these modules you seem unjustified or too frequent
Keep your software up to date
Among the new features added to this edition of Avast include the module Software Updater, accessible from the tab Security. The purpose of this tool is to prevent the presence of obsolete software on your computer that could affect its stability and have vulnerabilities that might allow hackers. Software Updater lists the installed applications on your PC and load search if the recent updates and security patches are. He consults for this knowledge base powered by software. To force an analysis outside the programmed schedule, click Rescan.
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Protect yourself with Avast 8

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